
Holy COW!  Check out what Miche is releasing this month!  This is CRAZY!  Those who have a Demi base will be pleased to know that their selection just EXPLODED!

  • Petite: 3 Shells

  • Classic: 2 Shells

  • Demi: 11 Shells

  • Prima: 2 Shells

  • Accessories: 4 Items

Wouldn’t you love to get every single piece of this for free?  This month during the National Miche Conference, it was announced that August 15th has been named National Miche Party Day.  On that day, Miche officials will be calling random reps and if she is conducting a party at the time, the HOSTESS WILL GET THE ENTIRE LINE FREE!!!  Plus the hostess benefits you are already earning during your party!  I have been representing Miche for over a year, and I have NEVER seen a deal this big for hostesses.    We used to offer Hostess Exclusive Shells to hostesses with a Party of $600 or more.  Now?  Miche has up the stakes and will be giving away the ENTIRE Fearless Line to many hostesses.

I can only book three shows on the 15th so if you want your chance to get these shells for free, contact me via the comments ASAP!

We are also introducing the new series in the HOPE Line this month!  Check these out!  There’s one for each of the bases!

I will post more about this line soon!  Miche is making some changes to this line so they can donate more money to help humanitarian efforts!



Hold on to your skirts ladies! This is insane!

As I have said earlier this week, Miche had their national conference in Nashville, Tennessee.  While they were there, they announced a bunch of promotions, product releases and policy changes that will take place in the very near future.  The one I am going to tell you about today is National Miche Party Day!

Contact me NOW to reserve August 15th for your Miche Party.  I have NEVER seen a better time to have a show with his company.  The evening of the 15th, Miche officials will be calling random reps around the country.  If they call me while I’m doing your Party, you will get the entire fall line FOR FREE in addition to the amazing hostess benefits you will already be earning!  The line coming out on August 1st is called “Fearless” and it’s amazing!  On the 25th of this month I will post pictures of the entire line for you all to see.  What I know now is it includes 16 shells, 2 new sets of handles, a wallet and several other items.  None of it is ANYTHING like we’ve ever carried before and you could get it for NOTHING out of pocket.  All you have to do is host a show and pray home office calls me while I’m doing your show!

I have already made several calls to my client base regarding National Miche Party Day.  If you want to reserve this opportunity, please contact me ASAP as it’s first come first serve.  I can do shows during the day as well, so don’t forget about those time slots as well!

If you have questions, please message me below.  Follow me on Facebook to get updates on this special day, too!




I will be ordering catalogs for the upcoming which will include the new products in it!  If you want to be on the mailing list for updates and catalogs, please subscribe to my newsletter on the right hand side!  Be prepared for AWESOMENESS!!

Be prepare to have your socks blown off! New products being released August 1, 2012.




Hey everyone!  I wanted to be sure to show you the shells and accessories that I currently have for sale.  These are on a “cash & carry,” first-come-first-serve-basis!  If you are interested in any of the items on this video, please comment below or contact me via facebook (on the right side of your screen) or email me at

Many of these shells are either retired or on the retiring soon list.  However, there are current products included in this sale.  I am simply clearing our my samples that I’ve used in shows and on loaner bags over the past year to make room for the new releases coming in next month!



Don’t forget about the extra hostess credits this month only!  ALSO!!  The black chain handles have been placed on the retire list for the end of the month, however they are still available through the 75% Anniversary Bundle Sale!  Check them out!



My 16 month old son chugs water from my glass as we sit and watch my middle son’s football practice on July 19, 2012.


Yesterday was the third practice for the Falcons in our area’s pee wee league dispite the blistering temperatures outside.  The board has mandated eight hours of conditioning before these young all-stars can suit up in pads for practice so our middle son’s coach has strategically scheduled four, two hour practices this week.  Tonight, the five and six-year-olds will fulfill their last hours in the coaches back yard in-ground pool.

Last year, this team’s coach was amazing.  From the first night with the boys, he gained their respect and attention by firm, yet encouraging coaching.  He encouraged team and unity along with hard work and attention to football technique.  It was really amazing what he was able to do with such young boys.  He actually lead them all the way to be league championships to claim first place!  This year he moved up to the next age level with his son but the assistant coach for the team stayed back to coach the other team members who didn’t move up.  SWEET!  We have had good practices with similar leadership as last year.  I can’t wait to see what happens this season with this team!

Pee Wee Falcons at the start of their 3rd practice, first practice getting on the line.


They worked for about 10 minutes and all of the kids were successfully lining up as if going to war with their coaches.  I think this year is going to be just as amazing as last year!  The only thing they need to work on is their hustle to and from each play, but honestly, it’s to be expected this early in the year.

They are proving to be trainable! That’s awesome!


My oldest son was placed on a developmental team this year, the TITANS!  He is VERY excited because last year his coaching was lacking.  They didn’t get the sweet taste of victory last year, not one time.  He wasn’t confident that he wanted to play this year because let’s face it, it’s not fun to lose all the time.  Because we want him to be involved in something we encouraged him to give it a go one more time and he is very thankful that he did.

Tuesday when I sat in on his practice, I could tell that he had some learning to do.  This team is hand selected and trained up to be the best.  Never once did I hear any of the coaches shouting or yelling.  The boys are there because they want to be.  They try hard because they want to be the best.  They work hard for their coach because there’s an unspoken respect there.  It’s truly amazing!  They spent their first practice breaking off into groups containing three to four boys to work on technique.

Detailed Technique Drills and Coaching

At the first water break, the boys hussled over to their water bottles, filled up and then ran back to the field with a training mission on their minds.  This picture was taken after less than a half hour of practice.  Take note of his soaked head and focus in his eyes!

Mouth full of cold water, he takes a minute to rest before going back out for another rotation of drills.


I am so proud of my boys.  I can’t wait to see what personal goals they blow out of the water, the excitement and pride in their little eyes as they defeat their fears and reservations.  I am looking forward to those chili mornings at the football field, the caravans to out-of-town games and the smell of window chalk!


“This is a horrific event,” Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates told a news conference, adding that a suspect was taken into custody in the parking lot behind the theater. He had initially put the death toll at 14, but a spokesman later told NBC the toll had been revised to 12.

taken from –

I, like many people in this “Smartphone age,” woke up this morning to check facebook and see what happened while I was sleeping.  The first post I see is from a friend in northern Virginia posting the following status:

“Woke up this morning to see that life is now imitating art. Everything on the news reflects every bad movie out there. Praying for the families who thought they would see their kids come home from the movie last night. I’m going to the source that brings light, not dark.”

I wasn’t sure what she was talking about but figured maybe someone up in her area had had a car accident or something and teens didn’t make it home from a movie.  As I scrolled a little further, I saw many other comments and posts about how they would be praying for the families involved in the shooting in Denver.  In my mind these were still separate incidence and began to really agree with my friend’s original post.

“Everything on the news reflects every bad movie out there.”

What it would be like to live a day in the Leave it to Beaver days.  I know it is just a TV show.  I know that everyday life wasn’t like that.  But oh to be able to rest in the fact that when your kids went to school, you could bank on the worst they would come home with being a black eye from a scuffle on the playground.  And even, it would be an isolated incident.  Throw a couple punches and it’s done.  Oh to be part of a world where are kids are generally safe.  Where you can leave your car doors unlocked and help people stranded on the side of the road.

When I think about how we can make that type of a world a reality, I can’t help but be reminded that we have to be the change we want to see in the world.  Every change starts with me (and you).

For me, I know that I have to make the following changes, today:

  • Time with my Maker isn’t only reserved for the morning hours.  Thank Him for everything I have, see and love.
  • Make time to smile at people in the stores.  Slow down…
  • Tell people what they mean to me, DAILY.  Never assume they know.

If I made these changes in myself, maybe a domino style avalanche would happen in the lives of people I have contact with.  And then maybe the people they have contact with.  Maybe over time, we’d see a renewal in our country and the world.

These are my three changes, what about you?  What do you want to see change in the world and what will you commit to changing in order to see that change in the world?



PS: If you blogged about the Denver Shootings, please comment with your link below.  Lets offer support to each other during this time of confusion.  Offer support to those you see hurting.  Offer a kind word, a smile…

“Something that is a source of honor, fame, or admiration; a distinguished ornament or an object of pride: a sonnet that is one of the glories of English poetry.”
Miche Corporate offices have announced that they are leaving Glory for the Classic and Petite bases available through August 12 so that women can support their Team USA for the 2012 Olympics! Keep in mind, if quantities go before August 12 then that’s that.  If you didn’t get yours last time around and want it now, go to my online store to purchase it now!

These products will be retiring in the VERY near future.  If you are interested in these items, please go order them NOW by going to my online store! There is no promise that these will be available tomorrow let alone in a week!

As the lyrics suggest:

“Those days are over, You don’t have to sell your body to the night!”  Roxanne (and the others above) don’t have to work a day longer.  They will be enjoying their retirement in the cool weather of Alaska.

If you have questions about these items, comment below.  Thanks!


PS: The Police in this case are those at Miche Corp who make these decisions!  🙂
































































**NOTE: The ordering system is not allowing for the hostess credits to be applied to these bundles as the flyer clearly states.  However it’s still a killer deal!

You can purchase as many of these bundles as you wish.  This is a GREAT way to start your Christmas shopping (*GASP* did I just say that??)  Purchase the shells now and the bases later!  Not only that you can throw in an extra set of handles and boom!  A fantastic gift that she will think you spent over $100 on!

Speaking of Hostess Credits, Miche pulled out the stops on that this month too!  Oh my goodness!  This month only you can get extra free product credits with qualifying party!

These deals are only good this month so contact me ASAP to secure yours!  If you want to go ahead and shop, feel free!  Just click on the image above and it will take you to my online shop!





Just when you thought you knew what to expect every month on the 25th!  Think again!  This month, Miche put out two shells.  One Petite shell (Selena) and one Urban Shell for the Prima (Sierra).

et cetera